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Learn Korean


It's not too difficult to learn Hanguel (Korean language) since they have a phonetic alphabet. Talk to Me in Korean is a great website to help you learn the language. Or you can take free classes through Mannam or meet people through Language Cast!



Mannam is a volunteering organization that is based in Seoul. You can meet great people from all over the world and participate in many activities with them. They also have cooking classes, learning Korean classes mainly on Saturdays, Judo and many more!


​On this website, you can find many events happening in Seoul!



Some big book store companies are Kyobo and Bandi & Luni's that are everywhere around Seoul. You can also buy books at (along with other things) and have them delivered to you within two-three days.


What The Book in Itaewon (line6, exit 1 walk straight and it's on your right 2nd floor) sells a wide selection of English books.

Online Shopping

Gmarket  is similar to where they sell just about anything for cheap prices. Sign up for an account and on the homepage on the top left, there is a link for coupons! Shipping in Korea is really fast! Usually takes 1-3 days.

​​ESL Teaching Resources provides many lesson plans created by teachers.


Berry Fun English has worksheets, games, etc.


Prezi is like a Flash version of Powerpoint.

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